(English version at the end)
Den čtvrtý - Toliara a cesta do Ifaty
Probuzení v Toliaře bylo pro mně hodně nepříjemné. Vzbudil jsem se totiž se žaludečními potížemi, které mi sotva dovolovali normálně se pohybovat. Byl jsem slabý jako moucha, a to i navzdory aplikaci slivovice, Coca Coly a přírodního uhlí. Matúš mně naučil, jak správně tyto léčiva užít a díky němu jsem byl schopen po snídani vyrazit na prohlídku města. Ulice byli rozpálené a na hlavní třídě už čekalo plno rikší s jejich majiteli, kteří se snažili nabídnout nám svezení. Prošli jsme zajímavou uličkou plnou krásných suvenýrů a přírodnin. Věci jako žraločí lebky nebo vejce sloních ptáků byla moc zajímavá, ale jejich přítomnost zde mně jako biologa moc nepotěšila.
V Toliaře najdete veliké trhoviště, kde se dá sehnat zboží ze široka daleka (především potraviny). Krajina je zde hodně suchá a neúrodní a kromě rýže se tady nedá moc co pěstovat. Zaujme nás místo, kde prodávají kořeniny a drůběž, ale také početné fotbalové dresy oblečené zdejšími obyvateli. Mám pocit, že zde seženete téměř cokoliv. Někteří obchodníci nebo řemeslníci mají před krámkem své děti a za jejich fotografování chtějí peníze. Vědí, že jsou moc hezká... Mnoho lidí nás zastavuje a prosí o dárky a peníze, což je na Madagaskaru běžné. Já už od únavy téměř nemůžu a tak čekám na ostatní sedíc na zemi vedle cesty. Občas se objeví postarší bílí muži na skútrech s mladou Malgašskou ženou oblečenou v evropském stylu. V jednom evropsky vyhlížejícím obchodě nakoupíme pár věcí na cestu do Ifaty a vyrážíme. Tentokráte ale (naštěstí) nepůjdeme po svých a odvezeme se rikší. Je to příjemné, zároveň si ale uvědomuji, jak těžké živobytí mají zdejší lidé.
Cesta do Ifaty trvá skoro dvě hodiny, překonaná vzdálenost ale činí pouhých 26 kilometrů. Za hlavním městem provincie se nachází jedno obří smetiště, kde se potulují krávy a neroste zde téměř nic. Pak krajina pomalu přechází do trnitého buše. Procházíme mostem nad obřím vyschlým řečištěm řeky Fiherenana. Pomalu, ale jistě se blížíme do kraje kmene Vezo. Jsou to přímí potomci Maanjanců, kteří sem před zhruba 2000 lety doplavali z Indonésie. Tito lidé jsou dokonale spjatí s mořem, loví ryby a staví krásné pirogy. Jejich dřevená obydlí jsou velice skromná, ale tito lidé žijí v tak nádherném kraji, že si nejdříve ani neuvědomíte, jak je zde život tvrdý. Bydlíme v nádherném rezortu Le Paradisier, kde se mezi chatkami prohánějí strdimilové a bulbulové a po zemi běhají scinkové rodu Trachylepis.
Vydávám se na obhlídku terénu. Kousek za rezortem nacházím hřbitov. Mnoho kamených a dalších hrobů je zde rozeseto v trnitém buši. Některé z nich jsou opravdu obrovské -ty patří těm nejváženějším lidem. Jsou na nich některé jejich oblíbené předměty (například růžový hrneček se smajlíkem) a lebky zebu. Jak ale vcházím do hustého a trnitého porostu, zaujmou mně kolem se mihající ptáci. Po chvíli najdu malé smetiště, kde posléze strávím asi 4 hodiny pozorováním a fotografováním 5 druhů ptáků, kteří se sem slétli kvůli potravě. Jedním z nich byla u kukalka Coua cursor, což je poměrně vzácný pták. Po návratu se ostatní nestačí divit tomu, co jim vykládám. Mou odměnou jsou krásné fotografie, neplaval jsem ale v moři ani nesbíral ulity, ani si nedopřál masáž:)
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Copsychus albospecularis |
Za zmínku stojí určitě to, že pozorování zvířat jako by mně vyléčilo (svou roli ale hrály i medikamenty navržené od ostatních). Večer jsem se tedy mohl kochat nádherným západem Slunce a hledat zdejší další obyvatele. Ptáci zde byli překvapivě aktivní i po setmění, u gekonů to už nebylo překvapením. Zde už jsem se nacházel v nízké nadmořské výšce, takže komáři byli kolem. Kromě repelentu a moskytiéry jsem se rozhodl bojovat proti nim ještě jinak -chytil jsem si svého gekona a pustil ho na moskytiéru. Zde byli chatky s otevřeným prostorem pod střechou, takže se různá zvířata (především pavouci) pohybovala ven a dovnitř. Vydáváme se s Jožkem na malou procházku ven z areálu rezortu. Na hlavní cestě ale není po živočiších ani vidu ani slechu. Čekal nás ale zážitek tak silný a tejemný, že se mi při něj zatajil dech. Z ničeho nic se ze tmy vynořil veliký kamion, který asi 500 metrů za námi zastavil. Nevěděli jsme, co to znamená, ale pak zase nastartoval a zmizel v dáli. Jak jsme kráčeli zpátky směrem jeho jízdy, najednou se ze tmy na písčité cestě pod hvězdnou oblohou začali objevovat zlověstné a veliké siluety. Zhasl jsem čelovou lampu a čekali jsme. Řítilo se na nás stádo mohutných zebu, které vedlo několik mužů. Všichni zřejmě nedaleko bydleli a byli zde dopraveni kamionem. Naštěstí nás spozorovali a stádo se nám vyhnulo. Navzdory zdravotním potížím to byl krásný den plný zážitků, jaké zažijete jenom na Madagaskaru.
I am heading into the thorny bush and there is a cemetery right behind the resort. Many graves from stones and other materials are all around. Some of them are really huge and they belong to the most important people. There are also some favourite things of dead people on them (for example a pink cup with a smile icon) and skulls of zebu. After entering the dense thorny bushes I am interested in birds flying around. After a while I ran into a small junkyard, where I spent 4 hours of observing and photographing 5 species of birds during seraching for food here. The coucal Coua cursor was one of them, which is a quite rare species. Back in the resort everybody is surprised by my discovery. My reward are a beautiful photos and I don't regret that I missed swimming in the sea or collecting shells, even the massage:)
It is important to mention that the time spent by animal observation has a healing effect on me (but also the medicaments from others played their role). I could be amazed by a stunning sunset and continue in searching for local animals. Birds were active even after the coming of the darkness, in gecko lizards it was nothing surprising. The altitude here was much smaller than in the central parts of island, so mosquiots were around. I used another way to fight against them except the repellent and a mosquito net -I caught my own gecko lizard and released it on the net. The bungallows had opened space under the roof, so various animals could move inside and outside (especially spiders). We headed for a small walk with Jožko outside from the Le Paradisier. There were no animals on the main road, but a special moment of magic was waiting for us. A truck appeared from the darkness and stopped about 500 meters behind us. Then it started again and dissapeared. As we walked back, we started to see a strange, huge silhouettes walking on the sandy road under the starry sky. I switched the headlamp off and we were waiting. The heard of zebus was approaching us. Unfortunately their owners, who probably lived somewhere nearby and were transported here by the truck, saw us and directed the animals around us. Despite the health problems, this day was full of beautiful experiences and moments -such can happen only on Madagascar.
The fourth day - Toliara and the journey to Ifaty
Woking up in Toliara was very unpleasant for me. I had a diarrhea and even walking was difficult for me. I was weak as a fly despite the aplication of plum brandy, Coca Cola and natural carbon. Matúš taught me, how to use these properly and thanks to his help I was able to go to thee city center. The streets were hot and on the main one there were many owners of rickshaws, who tried to persuade us to take a ride. We walked on the interesting street full of shops with beautiful souvenirs and natural products. Things as shark jaws and eggs of elephant birds were very interesting, but I wasn't very happy to see them there as a biologist.
There is a big market in Toliara, where you can find products from far and wide (particularly food). The country here is very dry and only rice can be grown here. We were interested in the place with sellers of spices and poultry and in the many fotball dresses on local people. I have a feeling, that you could get anything here. Some sellers and craftsmen had their children at the front of their shops and wanted money for photographing them. They knew, that they are beautiful... Many people want gifts and presents, which is common on Madagascar. I am too tired to follow and wait for others sitting on the ground near the road. Sometimes an older white man appears on the scooter with a young Malagasy woman dressed in european style. We buy some things in european-like shop and go. But this time we (hopefully) won't go by foot and will use a rickshaw. It is fine, but I realise how difficult tis he life of local people.
The journey to Ifaty took nearly two hours, but the distance was only 26 kilometers. There was a big junkyard behind the capital of the province, where cows roam and almost no vegetation grows. Then the country slowly changes into a thorny bus. We drive on the bridge above the dry riverbed of Fiherenana. We slowly approach the land of Vezo. These people are the direct descendants of Maanjan people, who arrived almost 2000 year ago from Indonesia. They are fishermen with a strong bond to the sea and build beautiful pirogues. Their wooden houses are very humble, but they live in such a beautiful landscape, that you don't realize how poor these people are at the first moment. We stayed in the incredible Le Paradisier resort, where I could find sunbirds and bulbuls near the bungallows and skinks from genus Trachylepis on the sand.
The journey to Ifaty took nearly two hours, but the distance was only 26 kilometers. There was a big junkyard behind the capital of the province, where cows roam and almost no vegetation grows. Then the country slowly changes into a thorny bus. We drive on the bridge above the dry riverbed of Fiherenana. We slowly approach the land of Vezo. These people are the direct descendants of Maanjan people, who arrived almost 2000 year ago from Indonesia. They are fishermen with a strong bond to the sea and build beautiful pirogues. Their wooden houses are very humble, but they live in such a beautiful landscape, that you don't realize how poor these people are at the first moment. We stayed in the incredible Le Paradisier resort, where I could find sunbirds and bulbuls near the bungallows and skinks from genus Trachylepis on the sand.
I am heading into the thorny bush and there is a cemetery right behind the resort. Many graves from stones and other materials are all around. Some of them are really huge and they belong to the most important people. There are also some favourite things of dead people on them (for example a pink cup with a smile icon) and skulls of zebu. After entering the dense thorny bushes I am interested in birds flying around. After a while I ran into a small junkyard, where I spent 4 hours of observing and photographing 5 species of birds during seraching for food here. The coucal Coua cursor was one of them, which is a quite rare species. Back in the resort everybody is surprised by my discovery. My reward are a beautiful photos and I don't regret that I missed swimming in the sea or collecting shells, even the massage:)
It is important to mention that the time spent by animal observation has a healing effect on me (but also the medicaments from others played their role). I could be amazed by a stunning sunset and continue in searching for local animals. Birds were active even after the coming of the darkness, in gecko lizards it was nothing surprising. The altitude here was much smaller than in the central parts of island, so mosquiots were around. I used another way to fight against them except the repellent and a mosquito net -I caught my own gecko lizard and released it on the net. The bungallows had opened space under the roof, so various animals could move inside and outside (especially spiders). We headed for a small walk with Jožko outside from the Le Paradisier. There were no animals on the main road, but a special moment of magic was waiting for us. A truck appeared from the darkness and stopped about 500 meters behind us. Then it started again and dissapeared. As we walked back, we started to see a strange, huge silhouettes walking on the sandy road under the starry sky. I switched the headlamp off and we were waiting. The heard of zebus was approaching us. Unfortunately their owners, who probably lived somewhere nearby and were transported here by the truck, saw us and directed the animals around us. Despite the health problems, this day was full of beautiful experiences and moments -such can happen only on Madagascar.
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